A fun team from the Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) met at their office in San Antonio, TX, for their annual meeting. This was just the second time for the entire group to meet in…
Explore leadership and team building articles, posts, audio files, and videos by clicking any of the links below. You can also search by category or keyword. The articles contain leadership tips, team building games, and personal development tips. New self-help articles are posted each week.
Gone are the days when it’s normal to see offices mostly filled with people from the same town, age group, and university. Organizations are full of much more diverse teams. Now, it’s normal for an…
With the sweltering heat that just won’t go away in Texas, I’m dreaming of the Emerson Electric event we recently did. Their group of engineers came together from across the country to take part in our Build-A-Bike® team event.
The word complacent may just be the biggest enemy of success. If you look at history as well as the current business climate, you’ll find that past successes almost always limit future success. They invite…
All the warm and fuzzies came out during a recent event in Austin! SHI International asked us to plan a customized Amaze-ing Builders. We loved working with both your team and the charity! SHI helps…
Boost Team Morale: ✓. Act as Investigators: ✓. Demonstrate Genius: ✓. Employees Engaged: ✓. Charitable Ending: ✓. Enjoyable Activity: ✓ ✓ ✓. Fun Had by Everyone: ✓. We had to build our own checklist after…