Maxim Healthcare Build-A-Bike® Team Building Events Benefit Kids in Chicago, IL, Portland, OR and Raleigh, North Carolina. Maxim employees from three regions met on three different occasions to experience a Build-A-Bike Team Building Event. The meetings were help in Chicago, Portland and Raleigh and as a result a total of 70 new bicycles were given […]
List of All Posts Published Using the Category: Case Studies
Johnson & Johnson has long helped Mom dry the tears and cheer up the kids with a little ouch-less help for skinned knees. But this company is so much more. It is at the forefront…
Starbucks Partners kicked off the New Year by gathering together at the Gaylord Opryland in Nashville. They built ten new bicycles for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Middle Tennessee in a Build-a-Bike ® Team…
Children from the Austin YMCA benefited from a great team building event sponsored by Centaur Technology, Inc. The event was a fun, fast-paced team building activity in which the participants from Centaur found themselves involved…
Over 100 people from SXC Health Solutions came together to build teamwork in Chicago with a Build-A-Bike ® Team Building Event. After hours of fun, laughter, and teamwork 16 bikes were completely assembled and given…
The Professional Retail Store Managers Association (PRSMA) held a team scavenger hunt in Orlando to benefit soldiers. The picturesque backdrop allowed the team to explore the fantastic resort during their convention. The program is a…