The employees from Hamilton Exhibits’ gathered in Indianapolis, IN to participate in a great cause: a Build-A-Bike® team building event! Hamilton Exhibits is a leading event marketing agency with 75 years of experience. They create…
List of All Posts Published Using the Tag: indiana
Hamilton Exhibits Build-A-Bike® Event in Indianapolis, IN
Castrol BP Bike Team Building in Chicago, Illinois
I recently had the pleasure to facilitate some bike team building in Chicago, Illinois for a smart group of people from Castrol, a part of BP. This group wanted the focus of their holiday event…
Superior Essex uses Build-A-Bike workshop to encourage team building and philanthropy in Fort Wayne, Indiana
Superior Essex hosted a Build-A-Bike® team building workshop for its highest level management team to encourage team building and philanthropy as part of its recent conference in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Superior Essex is a global…