Congratulations! You Have a Frame and Back Tire. Let’s Get More.
Challenge #2
This Gets Your Kid the Front Tire and Seat. Open the digital padlock (Eight Numerical Digits) at the bottom of the page. The QUESTIONS THEMSELVES and their answers are clues to the combination.
FIRST, if seven kids can ride their bikes 14 combined miles in a half-hour, how many combined miles can four kids ride in an hour?
Finally, start with the year of the first Tour de France, subtract the year the bike was invented, add the year that Huffy invented the training wheel, and subtract the year that Bell introduced the first real bicycle helmet. (Divvy up the search to save time.)
THIRD, the pattern above represents the number of kids who started riding to school after the popular kid rode on the first day. If the trend continues, how many kids will ride their bikes tomorrow?
SECOND, Jill lives exactly 1/10th of a mile from her school. If Jill’s bike travels 16 feet every time she turns the pedals one complete turn, how many pedal-turns would it take her to get to school?