Ready to Sail

Congratulations. You Have a Ship to Sail

Well Done! You Can Now Leave the Breakout Room and Return to the Main Session for Instructions.

Starting Dossier: START HERE <= Click the Link to Download Your Dossier.

Paste the starting coordinates from the dossier into Google Maps. Then, in the lower-left corner of the map, you will see a square that will change to a satellite view. If the coordinates are correct, you will have a map marker over your ship in the harbor. Google Maps will change the format to one that looks like this: 00.000000, -00.000000. The first coordinate is the Latitude and runs North to South. The second coordinate is the Longitude and runs East and West.

Each of the numbers below will be two-digits followed by a decimal point and six more digits. The Longitude needs a minus sign in front of it. No comma is needed below.

When You Have Your Starting Location Coordinates, Enter Them Here to Start Your Navigation Console.