3D Exhibits Hosts Leadership Keynote in Arlington Heights, Illinois
3D Exhibits, the leader in trade show exhibits and integrated marketing, brought together 30 of their Account Executives for a sales meeting and time of relaxation at the Arlington Race track in Arlington Heights, Illinois. The day began with several reports with the morning ending with an interactive keynote address concerning personal leadership, team leadership and client leadership. The participants were active in the activities that reinforced the message that every leader has to be developing respect for themselves, their individual team members and their clients; both current and prospective. It was a fast paced late morning session that kept people thinking and moving. The participants were from across the country and came together to review information, exchange ideas, and build motivation. The Leadership keynote brought ideas together to help each Account Executive lead by example, free up more time for selling, and demonstrate the growth potential of their team members and clients.
The Key Leadership principles of the keynote address were taught through the word, “RESPECT” each letter representing a key part of leading. The “R” stands for Realization- realize that in any situation you have the power to control yourself and your actions. The “E” represents Empathy- developing a caring attitude and concern for others and recognizing your power of influence. The “S” is for Self-Awareness- understanding why you are the way you are and the individual filters which determine how you see and understand the things around you. Patience is represented by the letter “P”- which helps us understand that real strength is learning to respond to situations not react. It is understanding that every individual has filters and they are different from each other. Patience helps us understand others and try to see from their perspective. The next “E” stands for Engagement- which is increasing your communication skills. We must first seek to understand and then be understood. This is not just learning to articulate, but to listen intently and intentionally. The “C” is for Charting Your Course- personal and professional goal setting is important because it is the map that guides you through every aspect of your life. And final letter “T” is for Thinking Positively. As Zig Ziglar says we must replace our stinking thinking and hardening of the attitudes with a more positive and influential way of thinking. With each point there was a fun learning activity that reinforced the experience.
After the meeting the group was dismissed to lunch and a relaxing afternoon of horse racing at the race track. Thanks 3D Exhibits for a great morning of motivational material and for the relaxing afternoon.