Lawler Wood Products Build-A-Bike in Knoxville, Tennessee
A fantastic group of employees of Lawler Wood Products team came together for three days of meetings and fun. Part of that fun was a Build-A-Bike ® Team Building Event. The team building activities were fast-paced and had all the participants laughing and learning. The activities culminated with the building of bikes for boys and girls that were given to children from the Knoxville area. The children appreciated receiving the bikes and the event participants enjoyed the exercises and assembling the bikes. It was an enjoyable time and along the way, some team building principles and skills were reiterated.
Throughout the team building exercises the group was split into teams. The teams were given various tasks to complete, but in doing so they needed to solicit help from other teams. This isn’t easy to do. Although it was stressed that the activity was not a competition, the split into teams brought out the competitive nature of the groups. With that spirit of competition there comes a lack of cooperation. This slows down and inhibits the overall goal which was to build the bikes. Competition can be good if it brings out the best efforts. Often though. competition can hinder the ability to work together and even slow progress.
A Good Team Building Event Adds a Hint of Competiton to Fun Activities.
One of the goals of the Build-A-Bike ® Team Building Event is to demonstrate how important it is for people to work together and not make the separation by division, locations, departments, etc., breed competition that will hinder the corporate processes and growth.
If you want information about how your team can organize a “charity team bicycle build” click this link. For a list of all of the team building events for charity, click here.
Thanks, Lawler Wood Products, for a great program and for giving back to the community with this worthwhile event. What a great time- to have fun, get to know each other better, contribute to the Big Brothers Big Sisters program of Knoxville. By their generous contribution that helped the children, their families, and the community.