National Grid Build-A-Bike ® Team Event in New York
National Grid employees came together to complete a team-building event resulting in the donation of nearly 20 bikes! This large group was quick to participate and load up their donations.
National Grid is one of the largest investor-owned energy companies in the US. They deliver safe and reliable energy to the communities and customers it serves. National Grid strives to reduce its greenhouse emissions in order to help transform energy to be more sustainable, cleaner, and smarter. Their business decisions and operations go hand in hand with environmental considerations.
Build-A-Bike® Builds up a Team in Albany, NY
Brandon Woodside, one of The Leaders Institute ® instructors, led this large group through a series of clues and puzzles. The instructor divided the large group into smaller teams. Then, Brandon, had each team bring decipher the clues. Finally, team members brought the clues to the judges. Each judge deems them ready to move on or not based on the teams’ answers. If the team is wrong, the teammates continue working and if they are right, they earn a part. Once they attain all 4 parts, the teams will have all of the major components of a bike to assemble.
National Grid was happy to participate and to provide children of the Boys and Girls Club of the Capital Area with bikes. Jimmy Bulmer kept the attendees engaged and energized during his presentation. The Boys and Girls Club addresses some of the most pressing needs in the community by providing a safe place for kids and teens to come together.
The boys and girls, who received the bikes, can’t wait to bring them out and use them.