50 emerging leaders from the Royal Banks of Canada came together in Toronto, Ontario, Canada for an afternoon of fun and team building by involving themselves in a Build-A-Bike Team Activity. The participants built 8 bikes during an afternoon of fun, laughter, and even a little bit of instruction. These bright and creative individuals enjoyed the activities that culminated in 8 bicycles being donated to children from the local Big Brothers and Big Sisters organization. The children were present at the end of the program to accept the bikes- much to surprise the bike builders. It was a great feeling when those who had participated in the event got to see the children’s faces and talk with those who were receiving the bikes. It was a very touching moment to end an afternoon of fun and learning.
Royal Bank of Canada Builds Bikes for Kids in Toronto.
Often times we get caught up in our own lives. We’re working; we have families, other activities and so many draws on our time. We forget that we also have opportunities to make a positive impact on lives around us if we will just stop and look around. Even in corporate programs, it is easy to have meetings and training events and forget the impact we can have not just within the organization, but within the community. When these special people came together it was to benefit others, not just themselves. By the Build-A-Bike® Team Building Event each individual received an opportunity to relax, have fun, and make a significant contribution to children and families from the surrounding community.