USPS Build-A-Bike® Team Event in Charlottesville
Only created 26 years ago, the OIG helps maintain trust in the postal service. They also provide independent audits and investigations to improve the postal service’s bottom line. Their Office of Audits essentially seeks out any wrongs within the postal system and remedies them. The audits are designed to protect assets and revenue, ensure efficiency, and safeguard postal service integrity. Meanwhile, the investigations side deals with internal efficiency. Special agents look at internal crimes and fraud in the postal system. It also has a special division focused on all the lovely complaints made.
AMazeing Builders team Event in Charlottesville with USPSOIG
While it would have been fun for Candace, our insturctor, to add in some trouble for these attendees she didn’t. Candace led this group through one of our most fun team building activities. Everyone is split into small groups. Each small group gives one lucky person the “crowning jewel.” That jewel is getting blindfolded. Each lucky blindfolded person is directed through a funky maze. Throughout the maze are various items that must be shopped for and picked up. I imagine quite a few people thinking, “it’s so easy.”
And it probably would be, but the key to this event is communication with your teammates. Expertly create and use code words to use for directions and you can quickly collect all of your items. If you poorly create those codewords and that poor blindfolded person is going to have a hard time. Once all items are collected, well that’s it! They win!
This group of inspectors donated their items to Johnson Elementary School. We hope the kids can put them to good use!