Wells Fargo Bank Build-A-Bike Charlotte, NC
Wells Fargo Bank sought out The Leaders Institute upon recommendation to do a team building event for their two day conference in April 2013. Wells Fargo is one of nation’s largest banks and ranks as one of largest corporations in the country. The Build-A-Bike Team building event was given for the project managers during their conference as a fun activity that would reinforce team cooperation with a charity component.The group experienced a series of team activities and exercises that challenged their ability to share information and resources, as well as unique problem solving approaches. One of the exercises tasked the teams with a limited time amount to create identities and perform a “team cheer”. This exercise tested their ability to create and develop under pressure. The teams brainstormed to come up with some highly creative, energetic performances that filled the room with excitement.
The event ended with the completed bikes that were given the Salvation Army Boys and Girls club of Charlotte NC. Eight happy, energetic children were lead into the room to receive the completed bikes that were presented by the Wells Fargo employees.
If your company is looking to way to encourage team cooperation, The Leaders Institute can provide a fun team building event that with a charity component.
The event was absolutely THE BEST!
Fantastic job . . . . The group was extremely engaged and loved it . . . . When the children came in, it was a tough few seconds trying to hold back tears. It was really an awesome team building experience.
Rhonda A. Cloninger, PMP
EPTS Project Portfolio Manager
Infrastructure Governance & Strategy
Wells Fargo Technology Infrastructure Services