Met Life Insurance Build-A-Bike Charlotte, NC
The Met Life insurance company assembled in Charlotte NC for their annual conference of marketing personnel and chose the Leaders Institute ® to facilitate a team buildiing event upon their leading reputation. The group was composed of marketing managers from around the country. A Senior Vice President of the company also attended. He wanted to be involved in the valuable team building experience with his employees.
The event started out with a fun icebreaker that showed that cooperative and confident teams just don’t happen. It also showed that different learning processes contribute to successful team building. The large group was divided into teams that formed group identities. Next, they worked together to solve various word clues to earn bike parts piece by piece. Eventually, they could each complete a whole bike.
MetLife Team Building Event Donates Bicycles to Kids in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Since the groups were very competitive and had a lot of energy, the atmosphere in the room was thrilling to watch. It was exciting to see individuals from the groups race up to the judge’s tables to turn in their answers for the bike parts and then building their bikes for a chance to claim to be the winning group.
Some of the groups received two of the same bike part. These groups had to cooperate with other teams to trade for the part they needed to complete their bike. After all of the groups completed their bikes, safety checks were performed so the kids could use the bikes immediately.
If you want information about how your team can organize a “bike building team event” click this link. For a list of all of the team building events and activities in Charlotte, NC, click here.
The local Boys and Girls Club of Charlotte brought in eight children to be presented with the new bikes. The look on the children’s faces and the gratitude that was expressed by the Boys and Girls Club made the event a success all the way around.