Silverview Credit Partners Build-A-Bike® Team Event in Dallas
On October 12th, our instructor, Chris Springer, had the fun experience of leading a small group of executives and directors from Silverview Credit Partners here locally, in Dallas. Their team primarily works on the East Coast but every quarter they get together to have some fun
as a team and strategize for the future. Talking with each of them and leading them through our team building activities they found out they had more in common with each other than they thought. Every partner likes to travel and has done a fair amount across the United States and Europe. Most of the staff also like winter sports such as snowboarding and skiing.
Despite the team working remotely they had great camaraderie. With each challenge I gave they overcame quickly relying on each other to solve the tasks at hand!
The highlight of their team building event though was when the local kids and
their parents showed up to help build the bicycles. HopeKids is a charity in Dallas,TX
that seeks to help families who have young children who have a major illness. As
hospital bills rise and the burdens increase on families to fight to save their beautiful
children, HopeKids steps in to lend a helping hand. They realize that medical insurance
doesn’t cover every cost like food and parking. They give these families the needed
financial and emotional support as their kids recover. Thank you to Silverview Credit
Partners not only for the work you do in the financial sector but for supporting the local