40 team leaders from Swedish Match North America, a world leader in the tobacco industry, came together in Cleveland, Ohio, for a “Creating a Team Culture” team building workshop. The event is a fast-paced workshop with ideas shared and activities integrated into the program that facilitate learning and understanding.
This custom team workshop is designed to share practical skills in team building and team leadership; then give actual experiences of putting the principles into practice. It is a very informative time of instructions that also combines fun and entertainment. The SMNA participants were a great group and worked well together completing the tasks that were given.
Swedish Match Builds Teamwork with a Custom Classroom Team Activity.
The people attending this special meeting gained practical experience in improving communication skills, improving listening, giving instructions so they’ll be received more readily, telling stories, and showing appreciation. Each of the skills was demonstrated and then practiced to demonstrate the importance of each one, and how each applies to team building and team leadership.
Once the skills are mastered then attitudes improve and not only do individuals benefit but as each individual grows and benefits so does the team and the company. SMNA was a great group and the participants contributed greatly to the success of the program.
Thanks to Swedish Match North America for a great “Creating a Team Culture” workshop and for making this investment the lives of their employees.