Amcor in Roanoke, Virginia Built Bikes and Made 18 Kids Smile
(I really like those easy to grip Gatorade bottles.)
Fun Team Bike Build by Amcor Adds Happiness to Local Kids.
Folks at Amcor are thankful that in this economy they have jobs. Today, they gave back to the community where they all live. It is a rural area. A deer, or a wild turkey, is just as likely to cross the road as a car. Everyone pretty much knows everyone else, and they care about each other.
Like many areas, the economy has not been kind to everyone. For kids, it is hard to understand why they can’t have what other kids have. So, today Amcor tried to even the odds. As part of a team building day, they chose the Leaders Institutes Build-A-Bike ® program to learn a little, get out the wrenches, and build some bikes, for kids who had none.
They Were All Winners!
They met the kids. (All a bit shy, but happy.) They taught some of the kids how to ride and then invited them to a home-cooked meal. Sweet potatoes, deep-fried turkey – the works. After the kids and their families ate, the bike builders sat down and broke bread together. Oh, did I tell you it was in honor of Thanksgiving, and Wyetheville is just a long hop from Roanoke, Virginia where many of their forefathers broke some land and created their new lives, after a long voyage from the old country?
In those days, you can bet any turkey they ate was one of the wild ones, and this group is thankful for their ancestors’ sacrifice.
By Connie Timpson/Sr. Instructor/Performance Coach/The Leaders Institute, who teaches team building events in the greater Washington DC area.