Newmarket Builds Teams and Bikes in New England
Newmarket, a leader in the hospitality industry, hosted a Charity Bike Build in Portsmouth, New Hampshire in New England. The event culminated in 8 new bicycles being built and given to boys and girls from the Boys and Girls Club of Lower Merrimack Valley. The event was filled with fun and laughter and even a few learning opportunities concerning teamwork and leadership. It was a win-win experience for the over 50 participants and the boys and girls that received new bikes. Combining fun, philanthropy, and learning is a great way to build teamwork and give back to the community.
Fun Charity Bike Build in New England.
The Newmarket Build-A-Bike® participants were great participants and learned that problem solving and teamwork are skills that can be learned and grown. Competition can inhibit teamwork, but when a common goal is shared among teams then the harmful competition can be done away with. Even though working as eight separate the common goal of building bikes enhanced each team’s ability to work with other teams to achieve the common goal. Each activity gave the teams opportunities to work together and accomplish what each team couldn’t have done alone.
Thanks, Newmarket, for a great Build-A-Bike ® Team Building Activity. And for making a significant contribution to the boys and girls club and serving your community in Portsmouth, New Hampshire and other Boston, Massachusetts area and New England cities.