Rain for Rent hosts a Build-A-Bike for annual meeting in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Many of the Managers in the group had never met until that night, but the feeling you got from this group was that they are a team. The event started after dinner and a long day of meetings, Sarah Plumlee the contact, was amazed the energy this group had, the playful banter back and forth, the joking and laughter with one another, myself included.
Rain for Rent Builds Bicycles for Kids in Baton Rouge, LA.
Each team was given an envelope containing problems to solve, questions to answer, riddles to overcome. As the group solves the clues they are brought to the judges to see if they are correct, then the parts are given to build bicycles. I actually saw some teams trying to bribe the judges even though we said this isn’t a competition, they were very competitive.
This sounds much easier than it was for there were hidden problems and obstacles that may surface along the way that as a team they must overcome. In the end, the bicycles were built and everyone had a great time with the experience.
The end of the event is when we introduce the representative for the Boys & Girls club to receive the bikes, many participants said, “We should have had more bikes” they already had 10. The group asked for pictures of the kids when they receive the bikes, you see the kids couldn’t be there because it was too late in the evening.
The operations manager from Detroit said “This was amazing and it hits you right here” as he tapped his heart.