Reich Tang Asset Management Build-A-Bike Event in New York
Reich & Tang Asset Management, LLC is a privately owned investment manager. The firm also provides Broker-Dealer and Banking services. It primarily provides its services to investment companies. The firm also caters to high net worth individuals, banking and thrift institutions, pension and profit-sharing plans, pooled investment vehicles, charitable organizations, corporations, other investment advisors, and insurance companies.
The company went through a restructuring and Carol Stark, Senior Vice President of Human Resources was challenged to introduce a program that would encourage teamwork, collaboration, and give employees an opportunity to get to know each other better and bond. The Leader’s Institute® was up to the challenge!
Reich Tang Asset Management Donates Bicycles to Charity!
President and Chief Executive Officer, Michael Lydon, kicked off the event by sharing insights about the new structure, vision for moving forward, and challenges that the teams will face in the upcoming year. Carol Stark then introduced our Leader’s Institute® instructor, Michelle Riklan to engage the team in a 2-hour teambuilding program.
Immediately, employees were laughing as they uncovered information about each other and had opportunity to see their co-workers “in a different light”. They became highly competitive as the teams took to the stage, introducing themselves to the entire group with an enthusiastic team cheer.
After our “cheer off” the teams set to work to earn their bicycle parts and build their bikes. It was wonderful to see the collaboration of the entire group as they took their task seriously and proudly presented to the instructor their completed bicycles for a safety inspection.
Employees were thrilled to find out that part of The Leader’s Institute®’s Build-A-Bike® program included arranging for a local charity to receive the bicycles. Raisa Ho, Program Director of the YMCA of Greater New York Chinatown Branch arrived and explained how the team efforts would go toward their youth bike program.
If you want information about how your team can organize a “team bicycle build” click this link. For a list of all of the fun team building events in New York, click here.
If you are looking for a team building event in New York, NY, call us toll-free at (800) 872-7830!