40 employees of Johnson Controls and their client Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad Systems took part in an afternoon of Team Building that culminated in 6 bikes being built and donated to the Boys and…
List of All Posts Published Using the Category: Case Studies
Over 60 employees of Aviva USA Have Fun Feeding Homeless. Over 60 employees of Aviva USA came together for an Ace Race reg; Golf Team Building Event in Kansas City, Missouri. Aviva is one of…
Diebold hosted a Build-A-Bike® team-building workshop for its Sales and Service Teams to encourage team building and philanthropy as part of its recent conference in Canton, Ohio. This was the first time the two national…
Follett Educational Services held a sales meeting for 75 of its salespeople in the Chicago area recently and included a Build-A-Bike charitable team building workshop as a way to give the participants a high-energy experience…
Blackstone came to one of its most prestigious properties, the Boca Raton Resort, for an annual meeting. We were invited to deliver a Build-A-Bike ® team building event in one of their sessions. Blackstone is…
Mustang Engineering of Houston, met in Austin, Texas, to enhance their teamwork with a Build-A-Bike ® team building event. The folks at Mustang take teamwork, family, and giving back to the Houston community, very seriously. …