It seemed like another boring after-school meeting. Until there was a fight. Someone broke apart cigars but the principal had the last one. She rushed from the room. The room quieted again as the crowd from Dan Powell Early Learning Academy laughed and joked. They stood around waiting for what was next. It had been a full day of development. They were ready to unwind. Suddenly the principal lurched back into the room, spun around, sputtered, coughed, and then dramatically fell over “dead.” Doug grabbed a nearby microphone, “Nobody move, this is a crime scene.” The Everman ISD Murder Mystery Team Building event had begun!
Everman ISD Murder Mystery Team Building Activity in Fort Worth
The group moved to tables and began to question each suspect. Was it wise-cracking Mrs. Terry, who had a wild excuse for why he was out of the room so often just before the murder? Could it be quiet Ms. Winton who wouldn’t answer any questions and looked nervous? Was it zany Mrs. Velez who offered several changing conspiracy theories?
After interviewing five suspects and examining the physical evidence (checkbook entries, airplane tickets, letters) each team concluded their investigation and named the murderer. There was much laughter and groans when the true villain came forward.
We hope the event was up to your standards, Ms. Ortiz! Grateful we could add some fun into a changing leadership.