Fire Rock Casino Build-A-Bike Creating a Team Culture Gallup, New Mexico
Sandi Tobey, an executive at Fire Rock was in charge of the program. She said that both of the programs proved to be an enlightening and exciting experience for her staff of accountants. The charity bike building event was the first of the two-day team-building events.
The group was not sure what they were in for when we split them into teams. We used a fun exercise where they had to scurry around the room like a modern version of musical chairs. The group was a little surprised. However, their competitive nature kicked in very quickly. Soon, they began laughing as we assigned them to their new group.
Fire Rock Casino Combined Fun Charity Event with a Solid Skill Development Workshop.
After they got acquainted with their new team, we started the Build-A-Bike ® program. Each team was solved clues to obtain the bike parts necessary to complete a bike. The groups got real competitive but realized that in order to be successful to answer the clues they had to cooperate with the other teams.
These Fire Rock Casino accountants got great satisfaction as they completed each bike. The highlight was when kids from the local Reservation came to receive them.
After they had experienced the charity team activity the day before, the group spent an enriching day developing leadership skills. The group completed exercises and activities that revealed patterns in their leadership habits. Next, we covered techniques for dealing more effectively with coworkers and customers.
If you want information about how your team can organize a “bike build for charity” click this link. You can also find details about the different leadership modules that we offer from High Impact Leaders.
Fun classroom team building is a fantastic way to generate a “behavior change” in your team. You can also easily build teamwork within a group. If you want to boost productivity, we have many programs to help.