Integrity Marketing Build-A-Bike® Event Dallas, TX
Since its establishment in 2006, Integrity Marketing has emerged as a trailblazer in the insurance industry, revolutionizing the way people experience insurance and financial well-being. With a focus on simplifying the process and enhancing customer benefits, Integrity Marketing leverages its expertise in insurtech to create a more human and meaningful insurance experience. Serving millions of Americans, Integrity Marketing connects individuals with the opportunities and relationships necessary to embrace the future with confidence.
Integrity Marketing Builds Bikes to Support Faith Family Academy in Dallas, Texas
The Build-A-Bike® event marked the beginning of an exciting chapter in Integrity’s team-building initiatives. With a group of twenty-five energetic participants, the event created a buzz of enthusiasm and camaraderie. Not only did it showcase the sales team’s leadership abilities, it also demonstrated that they could infuse their tasks with their own unique style.
Despite sitting through a full day of seminars prior to the bike build, the group maintained high energy levels. Rather than take on this event with stuffy formal attire, they donned their lounge clothes to embrace the fun-filled event. One attendee’s incredible display of athleticism demonstrated the group’s unwavering enthusiasm and passion. At the goading of his coworkers, he summoned the energy to box-jump one of the high-top tables.
Even amid all the fun, the attendees weren’t distracted from the main goal of building the bicycles. They gave the finished bikes over to Faith Family Academy, and later, the charity would hand-deliver them to a group of lucky children from the community.
We give a warm thank you to Integrity Marketing for their enthusiastic and generous team. Their contribution to Faith Family Academy will not forgotten anytime soon.
Ready to try out a team building even that’ll raise spirits and create lasting memories? Your company and the community will thank you! Check out our full list of charity and team building events in Dallas, TX!