Maxim Healthcare Team Building Events Benefit Kids in Chicago, Portland, and Raleigh
Maxim Healthcare Build-A-Bike® Team Building Events Benefit Kids in Chicago, IL, Portland, OR and Raleigh, North Carolina.
Maxim employees from three regions met on three different occasions to experience a Build-A-Bike Team Building Event. The meetings were held in Chicago, Portland, and Raleigh and as a result, a total of 70 new bicycles were given to children from the Boys and Girls Clubs of those areas. The events were fast-paced and action-filled as the teams in the different cities took part in several different activities that resulted in the building of the bikes. Nearly 500 Maxim employees from across the country took part in the fun construction project. The events were held in consecutive weeks; first, in Chicago, Illinois followed by Portland, Oregon, and finally in Raleigh, North Carolina. By the final event, everyone involved had had a wonderful experience and contributed to the communities where the events were held.
Maxim Healthcare Donates Bikes to Kids All Over the US.
There is
a real benefit to having different locations participate in the same activity, like a Build-A-Bike ® Event. Even though they work in different regions and don’t interact on a regular basis, it gives the entire company a common experience. Now, these 500 employees have a common bond that each can share with each other when they work together, or even meet on a passing basis. The common experience helps build camaraderie in the specific region, but also across the country. Just knowing that company-wide, employees have had the same fun and giving activity, helps build a corporate spirit. Not only was the event a fun time, a learning experience, but also a benevolent contribution to children, their families, and the communities they live in. This shared company-wide experience has a positive effect that goes beyond the immediate participants, beyond the children, but to an esprit do corps that has long-ranging positive repercussions beyond the physical locations.
Congratulations to Maxim for a far-reaching event. Their offering of the Build-A-Bike ® Team Building Event was a great decision, a great experience, and a great company building occasion.