Merck Chooses Fun Build-A-Bike Team Event Near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
The event was a lot of fun and this progressive and innovative group of union supervisors and quality control engineers were very involved and participative in every aspect of the event. There was a lot of laughter, a lot of joking, and even some learning as they joined teams and accomplished the tasks given.
In the end, the participants had fun and the Tutoring Center brought in the children that would be receiving the bikes. Amidst the fun and learning was a great feeling that an important contribution to children, their families, and communities they live in had been made.
Merck Donates Bicycles to a Bunch of Cute Kids from The Tutoring Center.
We get so busy doing the tasks that we suffer through it even though asking for help may be more expedient. We are reluctant to ask for help for many reasons and most of the time those reasons aren’t reasonable. Another common occurrence is that we have an answer or solution someone else may need. However, we are reluctant to share because it might take the time, we feel threatened, or whatever reason. But the best thing for the company is for each team and each member to ask for help when needed and offer help when available.
If you want information about how your team can organize a “bicycle build for charity” click this link. For a list of all of the team building in Philadelphia, click here.
This was a great and innovative team from Merck that accomplished the tasks, had fun and worked very well together. The benefit was not only to them in completing the job, but in the great contribution to the children from The Tutoring Center. Thanks, Merck, for a great Build-A-Bike Team Building Event.