PRSMA Welcomes Home Veterans with Hero Quest in Orlando FL
According to the Department of Defense, there are 3.1 million soldiers serving in various branches of our military worldwide. Every war affects our military, our communities, and our nation. How we respond to the men and women serving in our military as they return from war impacts our country today as well as future generations. The reintegration process requires community awareness and assistance.
Retired Army Col. Chuck Thomann, recently said, ‘‘The troops overseas are not the ones making the decisions and we need to support them regardless of what the politicians are doing.” Addressing this subject, Air Force Maj. Revonda Grayson added, ‘‘You have no idea how important being welcomed home lets returning service members know what they are doing is appreciated and their sacrifices are not unnoticed.”
PRSMA Donates to Soldiers Overseas After Fun Team Scavenger Hunt in Orlando.
Rick Highsmith, who conducted the training, said, “The standing ovation by the 1500 participants at P.R.S.M.’s 2010 National Conference in Orlando for the representatives of the 124th brought a tear to my eye.” Accepting the check, Captain Maynard and Staff Sergeant Murray expressed appreciation on behalf of the unit. Following the presentation a large number of P.R.S.M. members stood in line to personally shake hands with Capt. Maynard and Sgt. Murray.