Southwest Airlines Rescue Bear® Event in Dallas, Texas
Southwest Airlines took part in a Rescue Bear® charity event in Dallas, Texas. Over 100 flight attendants flew in from across the country to attend their annual meeting, and to help bring in the fun, they decided a charity event was in order. The airline company teamed up with the Boys & Girls Club of Greater Dallas to help make the event possible.
Southwest Airlines was founded in 1971 in Dallas. From the start, their aim was to provide friendly, reliable, and low-cost air travel. They pride themselves on giving the utmost love and care for their customers and employees. Since their beginnings, they now offer their hospitality to more than 120 airports across eleven countries.
Southwest Airlines flight attendants gather to stuff teddy bears for charity in Dallas, TX
Every year, a group of flight attendants from Southwest Airlines fly in to attend an annual meeting. The main purpose of their get-together is to discuss company updates and procedures, but this year, they wanted to make things special. After all, this would be the first time they’d come together as a large group since COVID.
Want to put on a fun event for your team while giving back to the community? Check out all the team building games in Dallas, TX
Before being let loose to enjoy their dinner and an awards ceremony, the group decided to add a Rescue Bear® team building event to the schedule. The charity event provided a unique opportunity for the staff to come together, as this year featured the most number of rookies they’d had in a long time. In addition, a lot of the flight attendants were veterans. Fortunately, the difference in experience levels didn’t hold them back—far from it. At the end of the event, the teams had put together a total of 58 stuffed animals!
Thank you to The Boys & Girls Club of Greater Dallas and Southwest Airlines for making this event possible.