Vision Statement of The Leaders Institute ®
“Our focus is to provide practical business skills that help individuals and groups achieve a higher level of accomplishment and to build these skill sets in a way that is entertaining and compelling. We know that people learn more — faster — when they are having fun!” In the training and consulting industry, there are basically three types of options to choose from. Option #1: The first is the academic expert. Typically, this expert has a high level of content, but the information is typically delivered in a way that causes participants tune in and out and retention of the information is low. Audiences will usually describe this type of speaker as boring or monotone. The key thing to remember is that it doesn’t matter how good the information is if the people who are in the audience aren’t listening.
The Motivational Speaker
Option #2: The second is the motivational speaker. Typically, this expert has a tremendous amount of charisma and the delivery is highly entertaining. However, the amount of practical content is often lacking. It feels good, but when the programs conclude, very little change has occured. This type of speaker delivers material at a very high, thoeretical, level so the practical application of the information is very challenging. These types of speakers are fun but vague. These first two types of experts make up about 95% of trainers and consultants, and neither will give a high level of return on investment. The academic has good content but is boring. The motivational speaker is entertaining but has little practical content.
Motivational Academic
Option #3: Our speakers are more of a Motivational Academic. This third type of expert is a combination of the best parts of the first two speakers. Our presenters have years of practical experience in the field that they teach and in addition, they go through months and even years of training at The Leader’s Institute® before they get their first certification to teach. They have a high level of charisma and they present in a fun way. So when you hire The Leader’s Institute®, you get practical information delivered in an entertaining way! When you call into our 800 number or send us an email, you’ll be speaking with one of these experts. Our goal is to let you use our expertise to help you find the right solution for the challenge that you want to overcome.