Space Counting | A Fun Icebreaker for Team Meetings [Video]

Doug Staneart  |  April 5, 2024
last updated

Space Counting  A Fun Icebreaker for Team Meetings Looking for a fun icebreaker for your next team meeting? Space Counting is a fun team icebreaker that you can use in just about any type of meeting. It gets the whole group moving around, adds energy to the meeting, and can be used as a solid teaching tool as well.

At the start, this icebreaker also gets the competitive juices flowing in the group. But then, it takes an interesting turn where the individuals have to be more collaborative. One of the other major benefits of Space Counting is that it is quick. You can conduct the entire activity in just a couple of minutes. And those minutes will be filled with laughter and energy.

Space Counting Is a Very Fun Icebreaker for Team Meetings.

Space Counting is a fun and simple way to get the energy up in the room and get people active and laughing. Start by asking your group to race to draw the numbers 1-20 in the air (in space). By the way, when I give instructions on how to do this, I ask for a volunteer from the audience. And then, the volunteer and I race to “Space Count” the numbers 1-15 in the air as an example.

Once the group understands the instructions, let them practice going through the numbers a couple of times and encourage them to try to get faster and faster each time. Then, after a few practice rounds, start the race.

Give them a “ready, set, go!” The group will race through the numbers, laughing all the way. Have each group do the activity one or two more times. You are basically getting them in the habit of drawing the numbers and doing it fast.

The next rule, however, will cause somewhat of a challenge. Have each person choose a partner and ask for one volunteer in each group to go first. The first person will be the leader and draw the numbers one more time as before, but the follower will have to trace the numbers the leader draws.

(So, basically, the follower is doing all of the numbers backwards.)

The challenge is that the follower, because we have “trained” him/her to draw the numbers already, will have a tough time keeping up while tracing the numbers backward.

Have them switch roles and see if the second person does better.

Finally, have them do it one more time, but this time, ask the follower to forget that the person is drawing numbers and just follow the leader’s finger in the air.

Group Takeaways for this High Energy Team Game.

You can do a lot of different types of debriefs related to communication skills or anticipating the actions of others. This one is an easy one to apply to a lot of different convention themes or group needs.

I usually use this as way to get people to see that once a habit gets engrained, it is very difficult to break. So creating good habits early will lead to success early as well.

For additional meeting icebreakers, see a complete list in our Resource Center.

author Doug Staneart
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Doug Staneart is president of The Leader's Institute ®. He is based in the Dallas, Texas Region. He is a specialist in corporate team building activities and custom presentation skills seminars.
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