Daily Leadership Tip [Bonus Principle] Always Give Something Extra
“Under promise; over-deliver.” – Tom Peters
There is a donut store in my neighborhood owned by a little oriental lady who is an expert at maximizing word-of-mouth advertising.
The first time I walked through her doors, she greeted me with a warm smile thanked me over and over for coming in, and gave me a fresh, hot donut hole to eat while I waited.
She had a whole store full of people but treated each one as if he or she were the only person in the world at that moment.
As I left the store with my order, I peeked into the box and found two extra donuts. I assumed that she had made a mistake. However, when I went back a couple of months later, she greeted me saying that I was her good customer and again I got more than I ordered.
When it happened the first time, I didn’t tell a lot of people, but when I realized that that was her way of doing business, I told many people.
You can do the same in your business. Under promise and over deliver and the customer will always be happy.
When I conduct sales training, I promise a 10% increase in sales. When my clients receive a 40%, 50%, or even 60% increase, they are delighted, and they tell more people.
If you want to increase word-of-mouth advertising, always give a little extra.