Tried and True is Right for You
By Rick Highsmith (Steele Steadiman)
We both passed the course and planned a trip along Crystal River on the west coast. The first date, April 26th, was washed out by another rainy day. Hello… what does it take to get my attention? Monday, May 3rd came and the sun was shining. Rocky and I roared of the driveway with anticipation and excitement. We were doing something different… a change from the routine! I wasn’t thinking like a Boss. I let silly ideas like adventure, relationships and exciting change cloud my thinking. Look at the smile on my face in this picture. What an idiot I was!
During my extended absence the numnut I left in charge reorganized my department. He gave other middle managers authority to change procedures. He began holding “feedback” sessions with the employees. He even put in a suggestion box! Worse that putting up the stupid box, he actually read the suggestions!! And horror of horrors made changes based on employee input!!! Suddenly the employees began to feel listened to. They started to believe their opinions mattered. Creativity, initiative and innovation grew like poisonous weeds.
Upon my return, it took the entire month of September to get things back under control. Fortunately, when I resumed command and began undoing all the harm numnut had caused, he quit. Actually several employees left with him… good riddance! The remaining peons understood the folly that was engaged in during my absence. They quickly returned to focusing solely on the tasks in front of them. Initiative and creativity immediately decreased to acceptable levels.
The lesson I learned from this is where I started: “Tried and true is right for you.” The business world is full of dangerous, unknown curves. Veering off course has dire consequences. Don’t let family relationships or the false hope of excitement lure you off the path of a true Boss.
Rick Highsmith is a Florida Keynote Speaker and trainer who has audiences roaring in laughter as his alter-ego, Steele Steadiman, a boss’ boss. In addition to great articles and tips, Rick teaches great workshops listed on his website at