Video-Just Do It Later and Missed Opportunities
Video of Doug Staneart, CEO of The Leader’s Institute, in Jamaica talking about the difference between missed opportunities and capitalizing on opportunities when they first appear to increase your success. Below is a transcript of the video.
Hey everybody, this is Doug Staneart with The Leader’s Institute, and I’m in Falmouth, Jamaica today. One of the neat things about Jamaica is that it is a bit more laid back than back home. As a matter of fact, one of the t-shirts that I saw today was the Nike swoosh sign on the front of the t-shirt, like we have at home, but instead of saying “Just Do It,” it said “Just Do It… Later,” which is kind of a funny t-shirt. But it identifies a big challenge that we have a lot of times — especially in corporate America. A lot of times, folks are waiting for that “perfect” time to take that opportunity or to jump into that opportunity. One of the most common things that we hear people say, for instance, when they come to one of our public speaking classes is, “Oh my gosh, I wish that I’d done this sooner!” The same thing happens with folks who purchase a franchise saying, “Gosh, I wish I’d bought a franchise sooner — that kind of thing.”
There are opportunities out there in the business world. Maybe it’s getting more education. Maybe it’s investing in yourself — taking a class, that kind of thing. Those things are opportunities that can help you increase your success, and you want to tap into those things when they appear. When you see one of these opportunities, you want to grasp it — make sure and jump into those opportunities, because if you don’t, you’re going to be one of those folks who are working, (while other folks are on the beach) and you’ll be saying, “I wish I hadda… I wish I shoulda… I wish I’d done-a.”
Tap into those opportunities when you see them — when they make themselves apparent. Make sure and tap into those opportunities, and you will be successful as well! This is Doug Staneart with The Leader’s Institute and another leadership tip.