Providence put on an Amazing Builders team building event in Portland, OR. Their team consisted of nearly eighty participants. They had a blast with this charity event, and most importantly, they were able to make…
List of All Posts Published Using the Tag: oregon
The team from Vetsource brought 80 employees together for an Amazing Builders team building game in Portland, OR. The event aimed to give everyone a fun-filled and engaging experience while giving back to the community….
Nike, the renowned global brand in the athletic footwear and apparel industry, participated in a Build-A-Bike® team building event with thirty employees in Portland, OR. The event aimed to bring together this small group from…
Over Thirty Nike employees participated in a Build-A-Bike ® team building event in Portland, Oregon. The Lean Business Enablement group operates under the Nike Technology umbrella. The group got together during their strategy meeting to…
Maxim Healthcare Build-A-Bike® Team Building Events Benefit Kids in Chicago, IL, Portland, OR and Raleigh, North Carolina. Maxim employees from three regions met on three different occasions to experience a Build-A-Bike Team Building Event. The meetings were help in Chicago, Portland and Raleigh and as a result a total of 70 new bicycles were given […]