Johnson Controls and BNSF Build Bikes for Kids In Ft. Worth, TX
The activities provide learning as a by-product of the games, situations, problems, and obstacles that are faced during the event. The folks from Johnson Controls and BNSF were a great group of creative, fun-loving, growing people that enjoyed the activities and each other. During the event, they got to know each other better, see each other in little different situations that usual, and even display their creative and athletic (even gymnastic) abilities. In the final activity of the Build-A-Bike® Team Building Event the group made six bikes that were donated to children from a local Boys and Girls Club. The children were present and the people who worked to make the bikes were able to interact with them. It was a great sight to see the kids and the adults working with them to make sure the bikes fit and were ready to ride.
Johnson Controls and BNSF Build Bikes for Kids in Ft Worth, Texas.
Team work is often viewed as the simple interconnection and effectiveness of group members. But this event showed how forty different people came together to make one event a big success and contribute to the needs of people in the community.
Although they were divided into six teams they worked as one team to complete the bikes and bring smiles to six children. This was a fun and entertaining time in which many things took place and some differences were made. Some of the differences were that learning (even if by accident) a little about teamwork and leadership, giving back to the community, it was seeing the looks on the kids faces as they saw their new bikes, it was the feeling of knowing you have done something worthwhile. An added bonus was that Johnson Controls/BNSF also contributed an extra $1,000.00 to the Boys and Girls Clubs of Great Ft. Worth.
Thank you Johnson Controls and Burlington Northern Sante Fe for a great Build-A-Bike reg; Team Building Event and for making the 6 bikes and $1,000.00 donation to these children and to the future of the Ft. Worth area.
If you want information about how your team can organize a “charity bicycle building team event” click this link. For a list of all of the Team Building Events in Fort Worth, TX, click here.