Merck Gives Back, a philanthropic team building event, is a fantastic success in Philadelphia, PA! Awesome things were happening in North Wales (Philadelphia,) Pennsylvania on August 24, 2016. At the end of the day, after employees had been in all-day informational/learning sessions (S&CMI Face-to-Face Meeting), they gathered in-house for a philanthropic team building event. The details of this event were not fully disclosed. As employees signed in and received their T-shirts that proudly stated “Merck Gives Back | Volunteer | Contribute | Connect”, they were introduced to The Leader’s Institute’s ® Trainer, Michelle Riklan by Mary McKay, Associate Director of Innovation. Michelle had several interactive activities to warm up the group of 65 employees including a boisterous exercise in co-worker appreciation, a memory enhancer to improve relations and productivity, and a “ball roll” which worked well to develop roles within the teams and better strategic thinking skills.
Merck Gives Back Philanthropic Team Building Event
The room was filled with enthusiasm and laughter. The employees were then further challenged to define their individual teams and work together to solve the problems needed to acquire pieces for the bike build. After a lot of laughter, a little frustration, and a better awareness of how to work together, 10 bicycles were assembled, safety inspected and ready to go.
The real excitement came when Mary then introduced a representative from the YMCA who talked about their scholarship program for children in need. All bicycles were donated to this cause and a few lucky children from the program were not only onsite to receive the bikes, but allowed to pick the ones that they wanted! Smiling and grateful faces ended the day for the S&CMI group. Merck truly had a full day of “Giving Back”.